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The Art Of Business

Barbie The Welder Bakers Bourbon Timelapse Sky sculpture for Baker's Made Different Collec

Becoming a successful artist requires learning both the art of art and the art of business.
~Barbie The Welder


The Art Of Business

Creating art is only half of a successful artists job, the other half is creating a business. Learn how to build a successful business selling your art. 

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Barbie The Welder Bakers Bourbon Timelapse Sky sculpture for Baker's Made Different Collec

The Starving Artist & Other Lies

I pull back the curtain and give you a no BS look at the truly limitless earning potential of a full time artist that will debunk the starving artist myth forever...

barbie the welder baker beam bakers bourbon pour liquid splash sculpture sculptor welding_

Knowing When To Go

Understanding what you should have in place before telling your boss to take this job and shove it!

Coming Soon
High Seas Rally Treasure Chest Barbie The Welder Metal Sculptor American Artist (1).heic

The Art of Income

Learn about the connection between self esteem & pricing art & how to leverage it to thrive emotionally & financially.

Coming Soon
Barbie The welder fine art metal sculpture american sculptor luxury decor.jpg

Should I Discount My Art?

If you choose to discount your art it should only be out of love and to give back, never out of fear of not paying your bills and here's why...

Coming Soon
First Responder Honor Park-11.jpg

Where Do I Sell Art?

Learn about the variety of options available when selling art and how to choose the path that right for you...

High Seas Rally Treasure Chest Barbie The Welder Metal Sculptor American Artist (1).jpg

Finding Inspiration

Learn how to find and use unique sources of inspiration to create one of a kind masterpieces.

barbie the welder baker bourbon liquid pour success barrel sculpture in progress.jpg

From The Bench Of Barbie The Welder

Love, Support, & Ecouragement for Creative Humans

I look forward to watching you grow & thrive!

Love, Barbie The Welder

The Artists guide to branding marketing and selling art online_edited
Fuck You Fuel Book_edited_edited
Inspiration Blueprint _edited
Horseshoe Crafts by Barbie The Welder
scrap metal art book by barbie the welder contemporary metal sculptor fine art artist
How To Weld Silverware Animals
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