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The Starving Artist & Other Lies

barbie the welder plasma cutter

I fell in love with the plasma cutter the first time I used one. It was everything my fiery soul desired!
~Barbie The Welder


What Is A Plasma Cutter

Plasma cutting is a process that cuts through electrically conductive materials by means of an accelerated jet of hot plasma. Typical materials cut with a plasma torch include steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass and copper, although other conductive metals may be cut as well.


Plasma is a very fast and efficient way to cut metal. You can plasma cut by hand or work with a computer to design and cut metal. Either way plasma cuts through metal like a hot knife through warm butter. If you can trace it or program it you can cut it!


Some artists specialize in cutting beautiful, intricate plasma cut art.

If you want to make cut art you'll use a torch or plasma cutter or if your art will involve cutting sheet metal on a regular basis a plasma cutter may be a more cost effective way to do that saving both time and money in cut off wheels. 

A plasma cutter requires air to run it so you will also need to invest in an air compressor if you are to run a plasma cutter. 

I own both a CNC plasma cutter and a hand held unit. It was a challenge to learn how to program but I was able to teach myself through watching videos and reading the book that came with the system. It's been worth it's weight in gold as far as an investment in my business, and although I had my doubts it did fit comfortably into my 1 car garage I was working in originally. 

From The Bench Of Barbie The Welder

Love, Support, & Ecouragement for Creative Humans

I look forward to watching you grow & thrive!

Love, Barbie The Welder

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